
Welcome to the United Public Workers news page! Find the latest Union news for members.


Making Mural History

The murals adorning UPW Headquarters have been a fixture in Kalihi for nearly 50 years. But many may have forgotten how they came to be.


I AM UPW: Oahu Division | Honolulu EMS

With United Public Workers encompassing over 12,000 members throughout the state, we want to introduce your fellow UPW brothers and sisters and share how they support our local communities.


The fight for temporary hazard pay

United Public Workers is leading legal battles in multiple jurisdictions regarding Temporary Hazard Pay. Here’s the latest.


United 808: Episode 5

Episode 5 covers some important topics including the recent Government Affairs victory with the passing of House Bill 1640, which focuses on repricing classes within a bargaining unit.


United 808: Episode 4

State Director Kalani Werner and host Flash discuss the Jimmy Toledo Scholarship, contract proposals for the next round of collective bargaining agreements, Unit Elections, Division Officers, and State Officer Elections, and the fight for THP