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United 808: Episode 5

Episode 5 covers some important topics including the recent Government Affairs victory with the passing of House Bill 1640, which focuses on repricing classes within a bargaining unit.

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United 808: Episode 4

State Director Kalani Werner and host Flash discuss the Jimmy Toledo Scholarship, contract proposals for the next round of collective bargaining agreements, Unit Elections, Division Officers, and State Officer Elections, and the fight for THP

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United 808: Episode 2

State Director Kalani Werner discusses important Union updates, including breast cancer awareness, community service, unit nominations, elections, and contract renegotiations for Temporary Hazard Pay.

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United 808: Episode 1

Our first podcast episode features an interview with Doug Correia, a UPW member who volunteered during a 52-day strike against Maui Health System to support fellow members. State Director Kalani Werner updates us on negotiations for Temporary Hazard Pay.

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